Customer Success
Customer service is at the forefront of success for all companies. When issues come up, Spoke helps manage, verify, process, and respond to claims in an accurate and timely manner that satisfies all parties involved. Areas we've helped clients before include:
Customer retention
Account queries
Order management
Billing queries
Reservations & booking
Product information
Case Study

CryoConcepts is a cryosurgical company whose product lines span from dermatology and surgical treatments, to beauty and veterinarian care. After an extensive R&D and patenting process for their state of the art cryogenic gas delivery method was completed, CryoConcepts needed to find an efficient method to build out a nationwide sales campaign and a virtual device training network across all of their product lines and target industries.
Given that the salon, veterinarian, and dermatology office landscape is still largely independent and relatively antiquated, Spoke was brought in to create a unique approach to this fragmented market. We built a custom and scalable sales process for the client that included top of funnel outreach, product sales & training, and continued customer support. Examples include making calls to front of house targets (e.g. receptionists) and coordinating lunch & learn opportunities (e.g. scheduling, print collateral, food & beverage). This allowed the CryoConcepts sales rep to focus on the demonstration and Q&A component during their field sales from location to location.
After the demo was completed the same rep would maintain the relationship by completing order info and as a perk of the company, would do all necessary product training virtually, taking the burden of the business owner. The effect of having a dedicated rep who knew the product and whom the client was familiar with over the life of the sale and to later service it has led to a substantial increase in sales for CryoConcepts as well as a several point increase in Net Promoter scores.